Swap Philosophy

Join Our Forum

**Block Lottery**

Swapper's Etiquette

Hostess Etiquette

Swap Guidelines

Mailing Instructions

Forum Moderators

Free Patterns
Helping Hands

Piece Quilt Blocks







Did you know you can make REAL, ACTUAL quilt blocks with your hoop????  With my technique you'll end up with 3, 4 or 6" finished blocks.  No experience needed.  Detailed, pictorial instructions are included.


Swapper's Etiquette

1.  Feel free to join any swap that you feel you can devote time too.  Do not join if you have commitment issues.

2.  After you join the forum, you can read all the swaps going on by going to our Yahoo Group files section.

3.  Feel free to post questions to the forum at any time.  There are a bunch of wonderful quilters there with a wealth of information between them all.

4.  Try to stick to topic but OT ("off topic" is okay to a minimum).

5.  Do not express any NEGATIVE opinions to the forum.  If you have a problem with a swap or a complaint, contact your hostess first and if no response from them contact one of the forum moderators.  Send a detailed letter and if deemed fit the hostess will be removed. 

6.  Please no flaming, spam, chain letters, bad language, no please send to 5 of your closest friends emails, no political or religious opinions/expressions.  Prayer requests are accepted however.

7.  Each hostess has her own set of personal swapping guidelines, please make sure that you follow each of them completely to help her swap run smoothly. 

8.  If you join, it is your responsibility to stay in communication with the hostess.  She will be posting on the forum all updates/changes etc.  Please notify as soon as you run into  a problem.  We all understand that unexpected things happen and if you have to drop out, let her know ASAP so she can find a replacement.  The key here is open communication so just STAY IN TOUCH.

9.  If you join a swap and the discontinue any communication and the hostess or forum and the swap has a void because of you and your lack of communication, you'll be removed and banned from swapping on SMS indefinitely.



© 2001-Present Malone's Originals  All Rights Reserved.

Do not reproduce any of my ideas, graphics / backgrounds in any fashion.  These graphics are NOT to be copied, altered or used for any purpose or anyone.  These are my Personal graphics that I made.  I'll be happy to make some for you, just don't take ours.. :o)

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